Way back in 450 BCE, the Greek physician Hippocrates declared the Fomes Fomentarius mushroom as a potent, anti-inflammatory medicine used for cauterising wounds. Later, during the Roman Empire, the Royals declared mushrooms to be 'the food of the God’s'. Even today, as you scroll, you might find a social media influencer enlightened by the same wisdom.

Medicinal mushrooms are still considered an emerging trend in the wellness space, despite their centuries of use in ancient cultures. Right now, the spotlight is shining bright with the Netflix release of ‘Fantastic Fungi’, Merlin Sherdrake’s bestselling book ‘Entangled Life’ and Australia’s surprise decision to legalise therapeutic use of psilocybin (’magic mushrooms’) to treat patients with depression and PTSD.

So what is it with these ‘medicinal mushrooms’ and how do they differ from the button mushrooms we grew up eating? Let’s dive in...


The fungi kingdom is vast and includes thousands of varieties. As of 2020, around 148,000 species of fungi have been documented by taxonomists, but the global biodiversity of the fungus kingdom is still not fully understood.

What we do know is they range from culinary to psychedelic to highly poisonous. Humans and mushrooms have a symbiosis that dates back to the our very beginning. But that’s a long story for another time. Right now, we are focusing on six varieties of mushroom with particularly impressive health benefits when consumed as a supplement.

When we use the term ‘medicinal mushrooms’ we are describing mushrooms that have adaptogenic properties and health benefits beyond that of their nutritional value. The terms ‘medicinal’ and ‘functional’ are more or less interchangeable.

"Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms that have health benefits beyond nutritional value"

Within these mushrooms are properties called ‘adaptogens’, and these refer to a group of compounds found in plants that help the body adapt to all kinds of stress; chemical, biological or physical. The adaptogenic properties can help maintain our internal homeostasis (the self-regulating process by which an organism tends to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are best for its survival).

Adaptogens can also spring the immune system into action to help reduce inflammation throughout the body, detoxify and repair damaged cells and exhibit antiviral properties. Perhaps the best way to think of adaptogens is they have the ability to act as a preventative agent, meaning they prevent you from getting sick before you get sick.

Adaptogenic foods have been utilised for thousands of years by ancient civilisations, most notably in Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are over seventy naturally occurring adaptogens known today, some of the most well-known adaptogenic mushroom varieties are Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Tremella, Reishi, and Cordyceps.

While every medicinal mushroom will have a slightly different nutritional profile, many varieties will offer similar, overlapping health benefits. An example of this is all the mushrooms considered medicinal contain an immune-boosting plant compound called phytonutrients and fibres called beta-glucans.

Beta-glucans are a type of dietary fibre called polysaccharides that occur naturally in the cell walls of functional mushrooms and they play a vital role regulating a healthy functioning in the body.

Let’s look further into each mushroom and the scientific evidence available to understand what all the fuss is about.



Lion’s Mane

Lion's Mane, a white, furry mushroom resembling a Lion's Mane, is making a name for itself by positively impacting brain health and promoting the growth of neurons through its neurotrophic properties and something called NGF (Nerve Growth Factor). It's linked to reducing brain inflammation, offering neuroprotective benefits, and research suggests some prevention from cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients.

This functional mushroom possesses powerful properties that can enhance blood circulation to the brain. Better circulation means more oxygen to the brain and as a result, leads to better brain performance and focus.

"In our world of attention-economy, choosing where to place your focus has a significant impact on your wellbeing."

There is research to suggest Lion’s Mane has a positive effect on our mental health too. A Japanese study examined the effects of Lion’s Mane on anxiety and depressive symptoms in menopausal women. After taking the mushroom supplement for four weeks, they reported feeling less depressed and anxious, while the women who were taking a placebo reported no improvements.

It’s a pretty remarkable mushroom with a lot of potential benefits ranging from cognitive function, depression and anxiety, immune defense, and inflammation. For these reasons, research is growing. We’ll keep you updated as it comes.

Lion's Mane is a safe and natural supplement. Our Organic Lion's Mane extract is simple to incorporate into your daily routine, just add ¼ of a teaspoon into your coffee, tea, hot drink or making a caffeine-free drink like a smoothie or herbal tea.

It can also be used in raw treats, protein balls, or added to soups, meals and broths. Don’t worry about any overpowering taste, it’s mild and hides well. Expect results in 3-4 weeks.


Chaga mushroom is a type of fungus that grows mainly on the bark of birch trees in cold climates, such as Siberia, Russia, Korea, Northern Canada and Alaska.

These mushrooms, resembling truffles with a vibrant turmeric-like orange interior, have been shown to be excellent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral agents in a number of research papers.

"Chaga has the highest available antioxidant content per gram, 46 times that of blueberries. It scores 1,104 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) units per gram compared with açaí at 165, pomegranates at 105, and the poor old blueberry at 24."

Chaga can also help regulate the production of cytokines, which can stimulate blood cells and strengthen the immune system's means of communication. In practice, this helps fight off infections from minor colds to more serious illnesses.

Chaga mushrooms also contribute to good gut and brain health, and are rich in vitamin D, zinc, B vitamins, copper, manganese, and potassium.

Chaga is a safe and natural supplement. Our Organic Chaga extract is easy to incorporate into your daily routine, just add it ¼ of a teaspoon into your coffee, tea, hot drink or making a caffeine-free drink like a smoothie or herbal tea.

It can also be used in raw treats, protein balls, or added to soups, meals and broths. Don’t worry about any overpowering taste, it’s a roasted flavour and hides well (especially in coffee). Expect to see results in 3-4 weeks.


Reishi mushrooms have gained popularity in the wellness world for their adaptogenic properties. These trending mushrooms have a longstanding presence in traditional Chinese medicine, where they're thought to contribute to overall health and longevity.

Research into the direct effects of Reishi on sleep has found that it increases the duration of non-REM sleep and improves the quality of REM sleep. Scientists aren’t sure why this is but the evidence suggests that Reishi improves sleep quality. However, it is important to note that Reishi does not induce drowsiness in the same way as sedatives and sleeping pills.

"Known as the ‘calm’ mushroom, Reishi contains a high concentration and large variety of naturally sedative compounds called 'triterpenes', which work with the nervous system to induce calm and relaxation. About 400 different bioactive compounds have been identified in Reishi, including triterpenoids and polysaccharides."

In terms of basic nutrition, Reishi has immune-boosting vitamins E, C, and D, along with B vitamins and beta carotene, which is recognised for its role in supporting eye health.

Reishi is a safe and natural supplement. Our Organic Reishi extract is easy to incorporate into your daily routine by adding it ¼ of a teaspoon into your coffee, tea, hot drink or smoothie. It’s caffeine free so before bedtime is ideal.

It can also be used in raw treats, protein balls, or added to soups, meals and broths. Don’t worry about any overpowering taste unless it’s with straight hot water, it’s a bitter flavour and hides well (even in fruit smoothies). Expect to see results in 3-4 weeks.


Cordyceps Militaris, recently featured in The Last of Us, are visually striking mushrooms that resemble long golden caterpillars.

Research suggests that Cordyceps may positively impact respiratory health and oxygen levels during states of intense physical activity. Research from a human study, concludes that Cordyceps appears to reduce inflammation and increase the body’s natural ventilatory and metabolic thresholds, meaning the subjects were able to exercise for longer and recover quicker than those taking a placebo.

"Since Cordyceps helps increase blood flow to essential organs and muscles, athletes can experience less fatigue and more fuel during their workouts. Cordyceps can also improve tolerance to high intensity exercise after acute and chronic supplementation."

In terms of basic nutrition, Cordyceps offer vitamin D, vitamin K, and B vitamins, including B12, thiamin, and riboflavin.

Cordyceps is a safe and natural supplement. Our Organic Cordyceps extract is easy to incorporate into your daily routine by adding it ¼ of a teaspoon into your coffee, tea, hot drink or making a caffeine-free drink like a smoothie or herbal tea. It’s natural energy so morning or pre-workout is ideal.

It can also be used in raw treats, protein balls, or added to soups, meals and broths. Don’t worry about any overpowering taste, it’s a nutty flavour and hides well. Expect to see results in 2-3 weeks.


Affectionately referred to as "snow fungus," Tremella mushrooms appear like a delicate, ribbon-like, bundle of white seaweed. While this variety has received slightly less research attention compared to others, the existing data on Tremella is promising. A research paper published in 2023, revealed the mushroom carries antioxidants, anti-tumour, immune-modulating and neuroprotective properties.

Tremella mushrooms can also help with skin hydration by protecting the skin's natural barrier. It’s able to prevent water loss from the skin as the polysaccharides in the mushroom form a flexible film on the skin.

"A growing amount of skincare brands use Tremella in their products due to the similarities it shares with with hyaluronic acid. The difference is Tremella has a longer chain structure which enables it to create a stronger, more robust and more flexible hydration film that is more resilient to changes in pH levels and temperature."

Tremella also has essential nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin D, zinc, copper, calcium, and iron.

Taking Tremella daily for skin health and anti-aging properties is easy. ¼ teaspoon with your morning drink (hot or cold) or in the evenings before bed (as our skin and bodies tend to dehydrate overnight). You can shop for our Tremella extract here.

Turkey Tail

Finally, we have Turkey Tail. These fanned fungi have a dark brown appearance that resembles the tail of a turkey. 

Turkey Tail contains polysaccharopeptides, which are protein-bound polysaccharides (carbohydrates) that have promising physiological effects such as immunological enhancement, anti-tumour activity, liver protection, and overall immune system balance.

"Because of its ability to naturally strengthen the immune system, Turkey Tail is commonly used as an anti-cancer agent in conjunction with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of these treatments in countries like Japan, China, and Korea."

Turkey tail mushrooms are notably rich in beta-glucans, along with significant amounts of vitamin D and B vitamins.

Turkey Tail is a safe and natural supplement. Our Organic Turkey Tail extract is easy to incorporate into your daily routine by adding it ¼ of a teaspoon into your coffee, tea, hot drink or making a caffeine-free drink like a smoothie or herbal tea. It’s probably the mushroomiest flavour from the lot but since the extract is so potent, if you really start to taste it, you may have added too much.

So now you see why Hippocrates, Roman Royals and that social media influencer are all raving about mushrooms. Wisdom is passed on for a reason.


There are a number of ways to integrate these mushrooms into your daily routine.

With our range of pure powdered extracts we offer 30% beta-glucans, one of the highest concentration available (it’s the bioactive fibre with the healthy stuff).

These extracts are water soluble and can be added to:

  • hot drinks
  • broths and soups
  • stir-fry
  • smoothies
  • yogurt
  • granola

All you need is 1/4 a teaspoon a day as part of a consistent routine.

For those looking for a healthy coffee-alternative or natural energy kick, we suggest checking out our Super-Coffee. It combines three of the mushrooms we spoke about, Lion’s Mane for flow-state focus, Cordyceps for natural energy and Chaga for immune support along with antioxidant rich cacao.

Check out our range here or shop by benefits here.

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