Our mission is to help you feel energised and focused without relying on caffeine. Whether that’s your body or your mind, we believe that mushrooms can help you feel your best, in a more natural way.

The power of shrooms
We believe that functional mushrooms have the power to open our minds, keep us healthy, and elevate our lives.

Healthy habits for a healthy mind
We're here to help you form healthy routines that stick, because we believe that our daily habits make us who we are.

Don't panic, it's organic
We only source certified organic and ethically-sourced ingredients that are strictly free from any nasties or fillers.

From burnout to mushrooms
It all started when the lockdowns combined with intense work hours left us depressed, burnt out, and addicted to caffeine. We were drinking 3-4 cups of coffees a day to keep up, only to feel even more tired the next day.
Things started to turn around when we decided to cut down on coffee.
Following some nasty caffeine withdrawals and days of research into remedies for tiredness and depression, we started taking mushroom supplements to help our mood, sleep and energy in a more natural way than caffeine, antidepressants or sleeping pills would.
Within just a month, we’d gotten our sleep and energy back.

The birth of Super-Coffee
Removing coffee was hard, so we wanted to replace it with something tasty that would give us the same energy and ritual that coffee did.
We tried every coffee alternative out there (maca, matcha, tea, chicory, yerba mate), but they had either unpleasant taste, low quality ingredients, or just didn't work.
So after 10 months of experimentation, we created our own perfect low-caffeine coffee alternative that's packed with scientifically proven organic ingredients for focus, energy, immunity and mood.
We blended ceremonial-grade cacao with potent functional mushrooms (Lion's Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga) for their mood-boosting, energising and immune support properties, alongside with some powerful superfoods to help with digestion and inflammations.
The resulting blend was like coffee, with superpowers. So we jokingly called it Super-Coffee as it gave us everything we loved about coffee, without the side effects.
We drank the blend daily for a whole year before deciding to share it with others.
And there it was—DIOS-MIO was born.

More ways to feel the power of mushrooms
After countless customer success stories on how Super-Coffee has helped them cut down their coffee intake and strengthen their health, it's clear that adaptogenic mushrooms have the power to help us feel better every day.
So we're now also offering pure mushroom extracts to give you even more ways to add a boost of mushroom to your day.
Tom & Mel,
Founders of DIOS-MIO